Support and Events for Coaches
Support and Events for Coaches


New Coaches


Group Supervision

Team Coaching

Walking with Coaches

Our groups are offered free of charge to members only.  We are extremely grateful to our Group Leaders who volunteer their time in running and coordinating groups, and are always open to your suggestions, if you would like to develop and run a group.  We ask that group members commit to attend all sessions as much as possible and also to provide feedback on their experience to enable our continuous development.

Each group operates a waiting list – members can sign up anytime and we will give you an estimated start date. 

“I love being a member of South East Coaching Group for two reasons. First the social aspect of being able to meet with such a varied group of wonderful, experienced coaches; and Secondly the incredible education opportunities it’s presented.”
Gregor Findlay

We have an active LinkedIn Group and a Facebook group – please join us on those where you can be a part of our social media community.

New to Coaching

This group is open to anyone new to coaching. It is a forum for people to meet and share ideas and discuss any issues.

We have a wealth of experience in the group and very generous members who are willing to share and support others. It is also an opportunity to meet people experiencing the same things as you!

Charlie Warshawski

An education leadership coach and coach trainer, I run Love Your Coaching, an Institute of Leadership and Management (ILM) training centre. With a team of experienced education coaches, we offer advanced coaching qualifications to school leaders and other professionals. Since 2015 the team have trained over 500 school leaders to attain a coaching qualification.

My passion is coaching, and particularly coaching in education. He started his 1:1 work as a mentor for students 20 years ago and started coaching school leaders in 2007. I see the power of using coaching in schools, to help the growth of teachers, leaders and students.

The qualifications that I hold include:

  • International Coach Federation Professional Certified Coach (PCC)
  • Institute of Leadership and Management ILM level 7 certificate in coaching for executives
  • Oxford Brookes university: Professional certificate in coaching supervision

My other main work passion is supporting coaches to grow their businesses. I find it frustrating that the industry does too little to help new coaches. And I can’t stand the marketing “gurus” selling overpriced courses to coaches who are desperate for clients. That’s why I offer lots of free stuff to help coaches grow their businesses, and why I run the business development group for the wonderful South East Coaching Group.


We run a 3-month Co-coaching programme.

Anyone can sign up to coach and/or be coached (doing both gives you hours to log for CPD).

Pairs are allocated randomly, and the time commitment is decided by each pair. This proven system is very successful and a great way to build your network, benefit from and practise your coaching. A real skills swap!

John Buckley

My coaching journey started about 10 years ago, so I am late into my career for this, but I make up for it by working in an IT group in a corporate company and there is no richer source for the needs of coaching than IT!  I studied the Peter Bluckert Consulting Executive and Business Coaching course at Leeds Metropolitan University and got a fantastic grounding in Gestalt approaches to coaching. The course was very much based around co-coaching as much as research and training.  W discovered more and more skills as the tutors would encourage us to explore and discover in more depth the coaching experiences we created.  My practice is with individuals internal to my company, KBR, and although we have an appreciation of the values of coaching, its still something that is not widespread outside of the executive levels. Life is a mystery sometimes!

I guess my interest in running the co-coaching group is that I got so much out of it when Claire McMillan ran the group prior to me and it really helped me with introductions to the whole of South East Coaching Group and whilst I got come great coaching practice, the coaching I received was extremely good – and the feedback on my own coaching style really helped too.

Nicola Arnold

Nicola is an ICF credentialed certified Professional Co-Active Coach empowering individuals to achieve inner confidence by challenging limiting beliefs and mindset that stop them valuing their own worth.

She firmly believes that self worth is a lifestyle not a luxury.  She prides herself on the holistic approach she applies, to harness and empower individuals to strive for excellence and maximizing their potential.

Nicola holds PCC credentials with the International Coaching Federation (ICF) with over 1500 logged coaching hours. Nicola trained as a supervisor through the NHS Leadership Academy, and she mentors and supervises coaches to gain their credential status with the ICF. She is an accredited coach for the Affina Team Journey and a registered coach, accredited HLM 360 facilitator, and coach supervisor with the NHS Kent, Surrey and Sussex Leadership Collaborative.

In 2016 she launched the Happy to be ME hub (shortlisted for an ‘exceptional business award’ 2017 and two awards in 2018) an online community where people can share what’s made them smile and how they have connected with gratitude. It has fostered a culture where everyone supports and champions each other to be their authentic selves and be happy to be in their own skin.

Nicola is regularly invited to speak at events and has spoken at the UK ICF conference and several of their International chapters. She also writes for a number of online mediums.

Recent clients have included Princes Trust, NHS and other charity organisations, both within the UK and internationally.

Group Supervision

This group offers coaches the opportunity to bring their coaching practice to a supervisor.  We will engage in reflective dialogue and collaborative learning for development purposes and for the benefit of the coach and their clients.

This is a group supervision format and the content is confidential.  This protects our clients and meets EMCC, ICF and AC guidelines.

Wendy Strohm

Wendy has been offering consultancy services for over 30 years and specialises in executive coaching and coaching supervision. Wendy is a qualified coach (ILM Level 7 Diploma) with over 2000 hours coaching practice over the last 20+ years.  She holds Senior Practitioner accreditation with EMCC Global.  Wendy is also a qualified supervisor (ILM Level 7 Diploma) with over 500 supervision practice over the last 10+ years.  She holds Supervision accreditation with EMCC Global.

Wendy’s career has been as a managing director, non-executive director, senior HR management and specialist quality assurance and qualification development consultancy roles. She has been a member of the Steering Group for the review of the National Occupational Standards in Coaching and Mentoring and provides training to enable others to become coaches and mentors and supervisors.

Wendy holds a Masters in HRM and is a Chartered Fellow CIPD, Chartered Fellow CMI, FRSA, FInstLM, and part of the Time to Think Collegiate.

Gill How

Gill How BSc, MBA is an international leadership developer, executive coach, strengths expert, change facilitator and professional speaker renowned for supporting organisations to inspire, develop and retain their people worldwide. With a high impact and engaging style, her work levers the personal growth and career progression of ambitious professionals globally. Gill’s approach focusses on pivoting to and maximising strengths, both in the individual and organisation. Her face to face international track record includes Malaysia, Russia, Ukraine, Romania, Hungary, Bulgaria, Poland, Germany, Spain, Uganda and the UK.

A qualified coach, and accredited as a Master Executive Coach with the Associate for Coaching in 2008, Gill was invited to become a Fellow of the Association for Coaching in 2023. She gained a Certificate in Coaching Supervision in 2010, completing her training with the organisation Coaching Development, and has offered individual and group coaching supervision for nearly 15 years. Gill is well known for her distinctive combination of challenge and support, helping coaches to stretch their growing edge, in this way increasing their confidence, competence and consistency with their work. A wide variety of testimonials can be seen both in her LinkedIn profile and on her company website

An avid learner, Gill has written a comprehensive leadership blog for 11 years and more recently set up an EDI Bookclub+ which you are all welcome to join. Gill won a prestigious National Training Award in partnership with Southern Railway for developing a coaching style of leadership culture, increasing employee engagement and customer satisfaction, and her company, Buonacorsi Consulting, is a recognised ILM centre offering leadership and coaching qualifications.

“The group supervision was constructive and very professionally rewarding. The whole experience was very enjoyable and certainly helped me in thinking about my own coaching and how to move forward. It’s not often that you are looking forward to the next session immediately one has finished!”

Paul Simpson

Team Coaching

Team Coaching is still relatively unchartered compared with one to one coaching, and this is an opportunity to get together with other people who are currently, or would like develop their expertise in, working in this area.  The meetings are a forum to ask questions, hear what other Team Coaches are doing, and to learn where group members can find additional resources. This group is open to all, whatever your experience.  

Seb Fox

Seb is a qualified and experienced team and one to one coach, having worked in and with leadership teams in the UK, Europe and Asia. His practice is focused on helping teams to understand and learn how to overcome what’s getting in the way of them performing to their full potential.

Seb is passionate about helping to develop a greater understanding of the team coaching academic and practitioner resource base, through both his role as Head of Research at Team Coaching Studio – a developer of team coaches – and through postgraduate research.

Walking with Coaches

The Walking for Coaches group is open to anyone who enjoys walking and would like to ramble in the company of fellow coaches. We usually host 3 walks a year in the Surrey area on a Friday morning, kicking off at 9.30am and finishing by lunchtime. Walks are around 4 – 5 miles, often with a coffee stop, and we walk at a leisurely pace so you can enjoy the scenery and the company and not feel like you’re on a route-march!

As well as giving members old and new a chance to connect with each other, we welcome non-members who are interested in joining SECG – it’s a great way to get a flavour of the group and the members whilst enjoying the great outdoors. Alison Reid, Kim Gregory and John Buckley are our current walk leaders, but Alison, who coordinates Walking with Coaches, welcomes offers to lead from any members who would like to lead a favourite hike.